29 July 2020

Turning to the Stoic Philosophers in Covid Times

I first discovered the ancient Roman Emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius about 12 years ago vis the book “Meditations” and have carried it with me since.  Written around 180AD, mostly... Read more...

8 July 2020

Talent budgets are tight. Time to get back to basics.

Many HR teams are winning high praise for the role they have played in keeping their organisations functioning through COVID-19. They have worked incredibly hard and fast to ensure those... Read more...

1 July 2020

10 Signs You Take People Performance Seriously

Just as Financial Performance identifies how well a company generates revenues, manages its assets, liabilities, and the financial interests of its stakeholders, People Performance identifies how well a company leverages... Read more...

19 May 2020

Working From Home – Tips and Tricks For Leaders

With all the uncertainty created by the pandemic, one thing that seems to be set in concrete is that working from home more regularly (if not all the time) will... Read more...

11 May 2020

Meet our new Partner in Auckland, Clayton Badland!

Clayton is a Partner in our in Auckland office. He has close to 20 years global consulting experience where he has focused his career on helping organisations get better business... Read more...

12 March 2020

Successful Change: You don’t need to be Einstein . . .

  You’ve probably seen the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”, words widely credited to Albert Einstein. It’s almost the... Read more...

17 February 2020

In Defence of HR

We truly believe that great HR people play an important role in generating value in their organisations through the levers of people performance. There are plenty of examples of CHROs... Read more...

4 February 2020

The HR Strategy Health Check

In our work we see two types of HR Strategy, one that is all about what HR does and the other is an HR strategy based on the needs of... Read more...

20 December 2019

The Best Time for a Performance Review

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” Simon Sinek This post is not about entering the should we or... Read more...

11 December 2019

What Can You Get Fired For?

While it’s not a great dinner party conversation starter, that question has become a key tool in our work in organisation design, recruiting and performance management. Once again though, it’s... Read more...

Recent Posts

The Double Whammy

By Justin Miles & Sonya Hughes   As consultants we are witnessing two... Read More

20th August 2024

What Are Your Leadership Priorities? – A Foundation For Strategic Leadership Development

In today's complex, competitive and often overwhelming world of work, clarifying... Read More

14th August 2024

The Four As of Personal Reflection

 “I will keep constant watch over myself and, most usefully, will... Read More

18th July 2023

The Four As of Mutual Obligation

Too many meetings without decisions? People taking too many things ‘offline’?... Read More

03rd July 2023
