23rd March 2015

Get your Black Cap On- What the win says about Team Performance

Normally when we talk about black caps at Generator Talent, we’re discussing DeBono’s thinking hats!  This time, given the New Zealand cricket teams meteoric success recently, we’ve turned over the writing slate this week to our Auckland Partner Jeremy Paynter, to share his joys and learnings on their success:

As a cricket fanatic I am thoroughly enjoying the euphoria that is ‘Black Caps’ cricket right now.  I can’t help but notice  a growing mass of supporters @ fan zones, constant mention in the media at the success of the team, even busy city commuters staying to watch a few overs on the TV at  the station, sometimes missing the next train to see another over.  These are fabulous days for anything Black Caps!

But let’s not forget that the basis for all this ‘Black Caps love’ is the fact they are performing – yes winning and doing it in style.  They have had one of the greatest summers with an 80% plus win record and a World Cup where they’ve entered the semi-finals undefeated. This team has come a long way in the last few years.

I’m sure all this winning hasn’t happened by accident, or with a sole emphasis on technical skills… keep your bat & pad together!  Rather, it’s been a well-planned and implemented approach to a team-based culture and player development programme. I’m not trying to over-analyse or claim any inside knowledge, but as someone who has worked with organisations in the area of performance and potential, with both teams and individuals (and as a cricket lover) here are a few things I’ve noticed with this current black caps team:

  • Team First – First & foremost they think and act for the team, they recognise they are better as a group and can achieve more as a team than as individuals.  This attitude has shon through to when individuals receive MVP awards – the post-match interview comments always seem to go along lines of  “thank you, but I couldn’t do without the rest of team”.
  • A Leader & Leaders – The captain is inspiring through his actions, exciting in his boldness and confidence, empowering in backing his players to achieve their best. In this way he encourages other players to also be leaders and take charge and contribute.
  • A calmness that permeates the team and well developed mental toughness to focus on what is important, what they can control and how they can think about their own contribution to the team and game in the present moment.
  • Depth in Talent – A wonderful depth of talent in medium & fast pace bowlers like we have never seen before.  This used to be a weakness, now through well planned development and succession the cupboard is full.
  • Platform of Support and infrastructure led by a coach who has not been an ex-international cricketer but rather a specialist coach, who ensures the right people  and support is there for the players to perform regularly at their best.

So Go the Black Caps! Here is to the ongoing success of the TEAM!

At Generator Talent Group we love seeing teams and businesses perform to their best and succeed, and we have a track record of helping organisations achieve this. Take a look at our website www.genertaortalent.com and if there is something of interest, or you just fancy talking about cricket – feel free to contact us.

Jeremy Paynter
Partner, Auckland Office
Generator Talent Group

Categories: Uncategorised

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