Peter Drucker once said, "culture eats strategy for breakfast," and it’s... Read More
Too many meetings without decisions? People taking too many things ‘offline’? People feeling micro-managed yet execs say people aren’t making decisions and referring things up? What’s going on? In our... Read more...
I’m hearing it from so many people, I can’t help but think something has gone wrong. Right now, many of us who can work ‘remotely’ from the office are. However,... Read more...
Organisation design can be challenging at the best of times. Through a continuous process of learning and refining, we’ve developed a proven method that we apply in organisation design projects... Read more...
You’ve probably seen the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”, words widely credited to Albert Einstein. It’s almost the... Read more...
While it’s not a great dinner party conversation starter, that question has become a key tool in our work in organisation design, recruiting and performance management. Once again though, it’s... Read more...
“To do two things at once is to do neither.” Publilius Syrus Put your hand up if competitive, financial, regulatory, shareholder, technological, environmental or political disruption is making your organisation... Read more...
Before you have any type of talent discussion, you need to first have a standards discussion. Too often we see time wasted in talent meetings, performance discussions, recruitment profiling and... Read more...
Just as ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’, teams are the way to see the truths of your organisational culture. So why do organisations spend inordinately more time... Read more...
Organisational Change in technology-dependent businesses can be challenging, particularly when it involves redesigning structures and work processes. Here’s a case study of how we helped a national, multi-media organisation change and... Read more...
How to get it done right Why does getting organisation design right seem to be so challenging? We know of a lot of companies who see a need to redesign... Read more...