We recently wrote about the mistakes organisations make in implementing the... Read More
Observation 1: The Interview Process is not Science! The process of interviewing someone as part of a selection process is not a science; there is no sure fire methodology that... Read more...
Normally when we talk about black caps at Generator Talent, we’re discussing DeBono’s thinking hats! This time, given the New Zealand cricket teams meteoric success recently, we’ve turned over the... Read more...
When is Executive Coaching the right answer? For the purposes of this blog, I’m talking about coaching business Executives for professional development purposes. I’m not talking about professional psychological counselling,... Read more...
If you haven’t noticed, storytelling is the hot, new thing in leadership. Along with paleo food, spelt bread and beards, there’s a trend to going back to the basics and... Read more...
With the increased focus on emotional intelligence, leaders have been encouraged to show their vulnerable side. But can showing vulnerability actually work against you? Co-founder of Accelerating Executive Presence (AEP)... Read more...
Way back in 1965 Bruce Tuckman put forward his now famous “Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing” model of team development. Tuckman’s model identified the phases necessary and inevitable... Read more...
I can remember the ‘good old days’ (g.o.d.s) when the Companies I worked for didn’t feel equipped or prepared to go to market themselves for the ‘big jobs’ so these... Read more...
So when you’re ready to make a stand, open your mouth and raise your hand, when you’re sick of your parties, sick of your sweets, get off you’re arses, I’ll... Read more...
Just as ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’, teams are the way to see the truths of your organisational culture. So why do organisations spend inordinately more time... Read more...
As the year draws to a close, it’s a great time to think about the year concluding, and the new one approaching. If you’ve read our blogs before, you’ll know... Read more...